WS15: Creating Leaflet plugins


Trainers: Iván Sánchez Ortega (MazeMap AS)

Schedule: Monday Noon 14-18

Places: 20




Leaflet is a well-known javascript library for displaying maps in websites and web applications, and over the years its users have created literally hundreds of plugins to expands its capabilities.

This workshop will cover:

  • An overview of the internal workings of Leaflet
  • Architectural differences in the latest versions
  • Utilities for subclassing and extending Leaflet classes and objects
  • An overview of how some popular Leaflet plugins work
  • Good practices when developing Javascript modules (including ES2015 transpilers and NPM publishing)
  • Developing a few simple Leaflet plugins from scratch

This is not a beginners tutorial on Leaflet - having a solid grasp of web mapping and javascript is highly recommended.

Tags: WebGL, leaflet, JavaScript, Web Mapping



Additional Information:

This will be more or less the same as the advanced Leaflet workshop from FOSS4G-Argentina.