Conference Programme

24th - 26th August


Wednesday 24.8.
Time Plenary Chamber Room Bonn Room Berlin Fireplace Room Rhinelobby Tunnel Plenary Office Lab1
08:45 Beginn, Welcome from Conference Chair Opening Session
09:00 Welcome by Mayor of Bonn
09:10 Introduction by Conference Chair
09:30 Lightning Talks
10:00 Keynote I Andreas Veispak (European Commission)
Coffee Break (10:30 - 11:00)
Session Chair: Marc Vloemans Session Chair: Anthonia Ijeoma Onyeahialam Session Chair: Alexander Salveson Nossum Session Chair: NA Session Chair: NA Session Chair: Marc Jansen Session Chair: Manuel Grizonnet Topic Talk

How Open Source and Open Standards development profit from each other

Athina Trakas, Ingo Simonis
Morning Session 1
11:00 Welcome to the FOSS4G Community

Jody Garnett
Shortest Path search in your Database and more with pgRouting

Daniel Kastl et al.
Coordinate systems and map projections with

Petr Pridal
QGIS and database based system for managing urban drainage system data

Dr. Jörg Höttges
Evolving JSTS to a modern port of JTS using AST transformation

Björn Harrtell
MapStore 2, modern mashups with OL3, Leaflet and React

Mauro Bartolomeoli
Building an open source imagery browser: UX and technical decisions to develop OpenAerialMap

Daniel da Silva
11:30 There is no such thing as a free lunch

Steven Feldman
The secret story of real time routing told by OpenStreetMap, pgRouting and OpenLayers

Daniel Urda et al.
Nobody cares about your datum: or the Kleinstaaterei of spatial reference systems

Calvin Metcalf
An environmental modelling and information service for health analytics

Oliver Schmitz et al.
Academic Track

Leaflet.annotate - Semantic markup for geographic web maps in HTML

Malte Reißig
MapMint 2.0: a new version of the 100% service-oriented GIS platform

Gérald Fenoy et al.
From outer space to your browser

Carmen Tawalika
12:00 Open Collaboration and the Price of Butter

Andrea Ross
Dealing with change - OSRM Version 5

Johan Uhle
--- Urban SDG Measuring System using the Open Geospatial Data of the International Organizations

Dr. Junyoung Choi et al.
--- Provide applications with Geoportal Framework Mapbender3

Astrid Emde
PROBA-V mission exploitation platform

Jeroen Dries
Break & Poster Session (12:30 - 13:30)
13:30 Keynote II Dirk Frigne (Geosparc) Afternoon Session 1
Session Chair: Joana Simoes Session Chair: Eddie Pickle Session Chair: Lene Fischer Session Chair: Abigail Page Session Chair: Robert Noldan Session Chair: Stefan Keller Session Chair: NA Topic Talk

An overview of the best Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial

Angelos Tzotsos
14:00 An R-tree index for RocksDB

Volker Mische
Sat-utils: Landsat, Sentinel and the use of open raster data

Matthew Hanson et al.
QField, a touch driven QGIS interface

Matthias Kuhn et al.
Kickstart your web map app!

Sami Mäkinen
Challenges of indoor mapping formats

Iván Sánchez Ortega
Routing for Driving Pleasure

Dan "Ducky" Little
Recording land tenure rights using GeoODK and Cadasta Platform

Erick Omwandho Opiyo et al.
14:30 How GIS-friendly are Graph Databases today?

Felix Kunde
Serving earth observation data with GeoServer: addressing real world requirements

Simone Giannecchini et al.
QGis as a platform: transforming the desktop QGis for tablet use in Flanders fields

Roel Huybrechts
GIS FOSS based products for renewable energy mapping and assessment in the Arabian Peninsula

Luis Calisto
How to Visualize Indoor Data in 2D Map? Is This the Way to Go?

Jiří Kozel
Academic Track

Developing an Open Pedestrian Landmark Navigation Model

Anita Graser
How the Land Administration community profits from Open Source

Arnulf Christl
15:00 Spatial is not special: architecting for high performance geo

Mark Varley
Standard-compliant geoprocessing services for Earth Observation time-series data access and analysis

Jonas Eberle
QWCII: A new QGIS Web Client

Andreas Neumann et al.
Academic Track

Paleomaps: SDI for paleoenvironment GIS data

Christian Willmes et al.
Trying to visualize GIS & BIM information on the web: a solution using Leaflet and Cesium

Fabrizio Massara
--- OGC's Land Administration Working Group – Building Bridges between communities

Athina Trakas
Coffee Break (15:30 - 16:00)
Session Chair: Johan van de Wauw Session Chair: Ari Jolma Session Chair: Steven Feldman Session Chair: Moritz Lennert Session Chair: NA Session Chair: NA Session Chair: Gérald Fenoy Topic Talk

Become INSPIRE'd by OSGeo

Dirk Frigne,Robin Smith
Afternoon Session 2
16:00 Using PostGIS in a real advanced way !

Olivier Courtin
How WebGL vector maps work

Vladimir Agafonkin
Geomajas: Where did we go wrong?

Oliver May
QGIS Lessons plugin. A new way of teaching QGIS

Víctor Olaya
Open Source strategies in a federal office - migrating from closed software to OS development

Dr Marco Lechner
Garbage Collection with FOSS4G

Daniel Kastl
RESTful Geoprocessing API

Benjamin Pross
16:30 Postgis Topology will replace simple feature.

Lars Aksel Opsahl
Web maps & WebGL

Iván Sánchez Ortega
The Evolution of the GeoNode Community

Jeffrey Johnson
Train the users! No GIS is easy...

Erik Meerburg
Bringing benthic data to the surface - moving Marine Recorder into an open source spatial database.

James Hutchison
Open Source Street Routing With PgRouting For Local Government - Dynamic Data and Performance

Joseph Miller
Academic Track

From global observations to local information: The Earth Observation Monitor

Jonas Eberle
17:00 Auditing PostgreSQL Databases Using Logical Decoding

Sebastian Schmidt
geotiff.js and plotty.js - Visualizing Scientific Raster Data in the Browser

Fabian Schindler
One year of open governance for OTB: thoughts and context

Manuel Grizonnet
Visualizing uncertainty in data

Sven Christ
Academic Track

Analysing the practical feasibility of FOSSGIS in military operations – A Cholera outbreak use case

Susanna Jacoba Henrico et al.
--- The Blue Hub, an integrated analysis platform with a WebGIS front-end to exploit maritime Big Data

Vincenzo Gammieri
17:30 BoF Sessions I Bof's
19:00 Ice Breaker
after Pub Race
Thursday 25.8.
Time Plenary Chamber Room Bonn Room Berlin Fireplace Room Rhinelobby Tunnel Plenary Office Lab1
08:45 Introduction by Conference Chair Day 2 Come Together Session
09:00 Keynote III Thomas Zerweck (Munich Reinsurance)
Session Chair: Pekka Sarkola Session Chair: Ari Jolma Session Chair: Jorge Gustavo Rocha Session Chair: NA Session Chair: Scott Clark Session Chair: Sven Böhme Session Chair: Andrea Antonello Morning Session 1
09:30 QGIS what's new

Marco Hugentobler
Develop without developing

Karl-Magnus Jönsson
GeoExt3 — Universal WebGIS applications with OpenLayers 3 und ExtJS 6

Christian Mayer et al.
--- Mastering Security with GeoServer and GeoFence

Simone Giannecchini
deegree Enterprise - Open Source to get a grip on complex spatial data infrastructure demands

Torsten Friebe et al.
3D Tools in gvSIG using NASA World Wind

Óscar Martinez Olmos
10:00 QGIS 3: plans, wishes and challenges

Hugo Mercier
Command Line Geography

Erik Escoffier
GeoMapFish 2 - Ready for the Future

Yves Bolognini et al.
--- Enterprise Single Sign-On in GeoServer: where do we stand?

Francesco Bartoli
MapProxy in practice

Oliver Tonnhofer
Academic Track

Is there life in Virtual Globes?

Theofilos Papadopoulos et al.
Coffee Break (10:30 - 11:00)
Session Chair: Johan van de Wauw Session Chair: Jachym Cepicky Session Chair: Kari Salovaara Session Chair: Paul van Genuchten Session Chair: Erik Meerburg Session Chair: NA Session Chair: NA Topic Talk

From big to small, and keeping track of it all - what is LocationTech working on?

Andrea Ross,Joe Allnutt
Morning Session 2
11:00 State of GeoServer

Jody Garnett et al.
Open Source Photogrammetry with OpenDroneMap

Dakota Benjamin
Using SQLite to take maps offline on mobile devices

Dino Ravnic
The OGC's Standards Process and the Role of Reference Implementations

Athina Trakas et al.
Open Data Revolution of the Deutsche Bahn (German Railways)

Alexey Valikov
Cheap (and good) data capture for environmental projects

David Currie
Free, Open and Libre

María Arias de Reyna
11:30 GeoServer in Production: we do it, here is how!

Simone Giannecchini et al.
Academic Track

A Framework for an Open Source Geospatial Certification Model

F.-J. Behr et al.
The most popular OpenStreetMap editing application

Ilya Zverev
Validating services and data in an SDI

Clemens Portele et al.
Effects of Opening up Data

(Hans) Gregers Petersen
The economics of bringing a new geo product to market by leveraging open standards, FOSS and FOSS4G

Michael Terner et al.
When politics meet maps there is no right

Steven Feldman
12:00 geOrchestra SDI - Project Status Report

Using Open Source Tools to Visualize Spatial Activity Drone Restrictions

Aäron Trippaers
Digital field mapping with Geopaparazzi and gvSIG

Andrea Antonello et al.
OGC Soil Interoperability Experiment - Experiences in using a standard to exchange soil data

Jorge Samuel Mendes de Jesus
Open Source as part of an Open Data initiative.

Brent Wood
Commercializing open data in Norway

Alexander Salveson Nossum
SMW @ OSGeo Wiki – How semantics improve the wiki and facilitate a collaborative database for OSGeo

Christian Willmes
Break (12:30 - 13:30)
13:30 Keynote IV Bianca Hoersch ( ESA Centre for Earth Observation) Afternoon Session 1
Session Chair: Michael Blaschek Session Chair: Gérald Fenoy Session Chair: Jakob Ventin Session Chair: Just van den Broecke Session Chair: Jessica King Session Chair: NA Session Chair: Calvin Metcalf Topic Talk

Open Source Opportunities for Land Management

Arnulf Christl,John Gitau
14:00 GeoNetwork: State of the Art

María Arias de Reyna et al.
GDAL 2.1: what's new ?

Even Rouault et al.
Magnacarto – Create map designs for MapServer and Mapnik

Oliver Tonnhofer
Unleashing the potential of your sensor data with istSOS

Milan Antonovic et al.
Open data and the 'power of the crowd'

Jaap-Willem Sjoukema
Still waiting for someone else to do it: Writing documentation for an open source project

Mike Pumphrey
A New Vision for OSGeo

Jody Garnett
14:30 Scalability of GeoNetwork: Current Status and Future Directions

Joana Simoes et al.
OpenDEM Generator: combining open access Digital Elevation Models into a homogenized DEM

Luca Delucchi et al.
Creating Stunning Maps in GeoServer: mastering SLD and CSS styles

Andrea Aime
Sensor Web for Oceanology

Simon Jirka et al.
Academic Track

Involving communities in environmental protection by Community Information Systems: the case study of “La Cuicadora”

Domenico Vito
Bait and don't switch: Using FOSS4G to attract bright young talent

Robert P. V. Nordan
Getting it done at LocationTech

Jody Garnett et al.
15:00 Leveraging Big Geo Data through Metadata

Joana Simoes et al.
Geospatial web services using little-known GDAL features and modern Perl middleware

Ari Jolma
GeoServer Styling Hints and Tips for Prettier Maps

Ian Turton
Microservice approach of sensor data integration

Nikolai Bock
Development of national spatial information sharing system using the FOSS4G and CKAN , Drupal

Yoichi Kayama
--- From a Knitting Podcast to a Geospatial Meetup. Building community to share your passion.

Guido Stein
Coffee Break (15:30 - 16:00)
Session Chair: Ant Scott Session Chair: Sean Gillies Session Chair: NA Session Chair: NA Session Chair: Martin Seiler Session Chair: NA Session Chair: Gérald Fenoy Topic Talk

Challenges and opportunities in improving crisis response and peacebuilding through Collaborative Mapping, Open Source Geospatial Technologies and Open Data

Lars Wirkus,Fabian Selg
Afternoon Session 2
16:00 MapServer Status Report

Thomas Bonfort et al.
mapchete - parallelized batch geoprocessing using Python

Joachim Ungar
NextGIS Mobile - mobile GIS alternative

Maxim Dubinin et al.
Delivering high resolution deformation maps with high performance and extensive proc

Marco Duiker
Global Forest Watch: Using Open Data to Save the World’s Forests

David Gonzalez
A RESTful API for linking geodata

Francesco Bartoli
Software comes and goes. Mind the Data!

Arnulf Christl
16:30 MapServer MapCache: Project Status Report

Thomas Bonfort
Academic Track

Development of a new framework for Distributed Processing of Big Geospatial Data

Angéla Olasz et al.
Two-way-databinding on mobile applications with Yaga

Arne Schubert
Academic Track

Identification of SAR Detected Targets on Sea in Near Real Time Applications for Maritime Surveillance

Sergey Voinov et al.
A crowd-sourced public transportation map for Nicaragua's capital

Felix Delattre
How Linked Open Data finds the bar near you

Rob van Loon
Durable geospatial data and the budding open-source ecosystem driving it

Jack Reed
17:00 Stress Testing and Analysing MapServer Performance

Seth Girvin
Academic Track

Building applications with FOSS4G bricks: two examples of the use of GRASS GIS modules as a high-level "language"' for the analyses of continuous space data in economic geography

Moritz Lennert
--- How to make a 3D web geoportal

Gilbert Jeiziner
Academic Track

Optimizing Last mile Vaccine Supply Chain in Northern Nigeria using FOSS4G Solutions

Dami Sonoiki
Integrating the spatial web with linked open data using GeoDCAT-AP

María Arias de Reyna et al.
Academic Track

OSGeo conference videos as a resource for scientific research: The TIB|AV Portal

Peter Löwe et al.
17:30 meeting: OSGeo AGM --- --- --- --- --- ---
18:00 17h30 - 18h30 BoF Sessions
18:30 - 01:00 Gala Dinner Ship Cruise
01:00 Pub Race
Friday 26.8.
Time Plenary Chamber Room Bonn Room Berlin Fireplace Room Rhinelobby Tunnel Plenary Office Lab1
08:45 Introduction by Conference Chair Day 3 Come Together Session
09:00 Keynote V Ton Zijlstra (change management consultant)
Session Chair: Till Adams Session Chair: Hans-Jörg Stark Session Chair: Gérald Fenoy Session Chair: Abdul Kadir Taib Session Chair: NA Session Chair: NA Session Chair: Scott Clark Topic Talk Morning Session 1
09:30 What's new and cool in OpenLayers

Andreas Hocevar et al.
Humanitarian Capacity Building and Preparedness with QGIS

Ant Scott
A complete toolchain for object-based image analysis with GRASS GIS

Moritz Lennert
GeoDataStore; governmental open data cloud storage and easy metadata creation

Paul van Genuchten et al.
Using Mapillary data for editing maps

Peter Neubauer
An overview of Docker images for geospatial applications

Daniel Nüst
OpenSky Network - Crowdsourced and Open Air Traffic Surveillance Network

Alexey Valikov
10:00 Interoperability with OpenLayers 3

Bart van den Eijnden
Building Sustainable Resilient Communities with FOSS4G and Open Data

Jeffrey Johnson
Processing Copernicus Sentinel data with GRASS GIS

Markus Neteler et al.
KNReise: OpenSource access to open, geospatial cultural and natural datasets

Atle Frenvik Sveen
OSM Stats: Rewarding contributors and real-time tracking of OSM

Matthew Hanson et al.
Integration testing of Web Mapping applications (including web mapping server) using Python

Jáchym Čepický et al.
Open Source Motorsports

Dan "Ducky" Little
10:30 Faster, smaller, better: Compiling your application together with OpenLayers 3

Tobias Sauerwein et al.
--- ORFEO ToolBox status report

Manuel Grizonnet
--- Towards a more readable Openstreetmap based world map for westerners

Sven Geggus
Borsch: modern build system for C/C++ GIS projects

Dmitry Baryshnikov et al.
Academic Track

Mapping WiFi measurements on OpenStreetMap data for Wireless Street Coverage Analysis

Andrea Valenzano et al.
Coffee Break (11:00 - 11:30)
Session Chair: Julien-Samuel Lacroix Session Chair: Eddie Pickle Session Chair: Adam Steer Session Chair: Andrea Antonello Session Chair: Michael Blaschek Session Chair: Christian Willmes Session Chair: NA Topic Talk

Open Data with Open Software - the Copernicus Program

Markus Neteler, Christian Strobl
Morning Session 2
11:30 OL3-Cesium: 3D for OpenLayers

Beraudo Guillaume
State of GeoGig

Gabriel Roldán et al.
The new PyWPS-4: your Python based WPS server (PyWPS project report)

Luís de Sousa et al.
Flood mapping and analysis platform based on open satellite data and free and open source geospatial

Vasile Crăciunescu
Towards pycsw 2.0 - project report

Angelos Tzotsos et al.
Using and extending GeoPackages

Pirmin Kalberer
12:00 Point Clouds in a Browser with WebGL

Daniel Kastl et al.
Collect & Manage Geospatial Data Edits with GeoSHAPE

Syrus Mesdaghi
ZOO-Project 1.6.0: News about the Open WPS Platform

Gérald Fenoy et al.
FloodWatch: Combining Wearable Tech + Disaster Alerts

Tomas Holderness
Spatial data and the Search engines

María Arias de Reyna et al.
GeoJSON and the IETF

Sean Gillies
Real-time large format maps for passenger information on railway disruptions

Mario Härtwig
12:30 iTowns, a new framework for 3D web visualization

Vincent Picavet
An Open Source Approach to Multi-user Distributed Geospatial Data Management

Dami Sonoiki
birdhouse: a collection of web processing services for climate data

Nils Hempelmann
Spatial tools for LiDAR based watershed management and forestry analysis integrated in gvSIG

Silvia Franceschi et al.
Implementing Open Geospatial Data Portals with CKAN, pycsw and PublicaMundi: the case

Angelos Tzotsos
--- MapFish Print 3: Reporting meets maps

Tobias Sauerwein et al.
Break (13:00 - 14:00)
14:00 Keynote VI Klaus Deininger (World Bank)
Session Chair: NA Session Chair: Moritz Lennert Session Chair: Paul van Genuchten Session Chair: Ari Jolma Session Chair: NA Session Chair: NA Session Chair: NA Topic Talk Afternoon Session 1
14:30 Vector Tiles with GeoServer and OpenLayers

David Blasby et al.
The PDAL Pointcloud Engine

Michael Smith
Crunching Data In GeoServer: Mastering Rendering Transformations, WPS Processes And SQL Views

Andrea Aime
OpenSource tools for water network management

Vincent Picavet et al.
Students Afternoon Sponsor Slots Sponsor Slots
15:00 Create Vector Tiles from OpenStreetMap

Manuel Roth et al.
500+ Billion Points: Organizing Point Clouds as Infrastructure

Connor Manning
Automating your analysis using SAGA Gis

Johan Van de Wauw
IWRM* in Mongolia (MoMo): Managing geodata with SHOGun and empowering the people

Hinrich Paulsen
Students Afternoon Sponsor Slots Sponsor Slots
15:30 Hosting vector tile maps on your own server

Petr Sloup et al.
Towards open, interoperable, and transdisciplinary point clouds for high performance computing

Adam Steer
hale studio: Effective Data Analysis and Transformation for Open Standards

Thorsten Reitz
Academic Track

GET-IT: an open source, free software for Long Term ecological research

Simone Lanucara et al.
Students Afternoon Sponsor Slots Sponsor Slots
Coffee Break (16:00 - 16:30)
16:30 Keynote VII Peter Kusterer (IBM Germany) Closing Session
17:00 Sol Katz Award & Students Award
17:30 Closing notes by Conference Chair
18:00 Pub Race